The administration ensures that the funds are used professionally and correctly. The remaining amount (about 90%) goes to projects for people in need.
We would be happy to keep you up to date on our work by sending you our project reports regularly.
We work exclusively on a voluntary basis.
About 10% of donations are used for information work, campaign and operating costs (e.g. office/administration costs) and quality assurance (e.g. independent auditing of aid projects).


Donations are tax deductible
Donations and membership fees to tax-exempt and non-profit organizations can be claimed as special expenses in the tax return up to a maximum of 20% of total income (Section 10b ESTG). The donation confirmation according to the official template (formerly: donation receipt) serves as proof.
Please note: Please be sure to include your name and full postal address in the purpose of your transfer so that we can send you the donation confirmation.

Small donations up to 300 euros
There are four exceptions to the strict requirement for formal confirmation of donations:
a simplification regulation:
• Donations to help in disaster situations;
• Donations of up to 300 euros to non-profit organizations;
• Donations of up to 300 euros to a government agency;
• Donations of up to 300 euros to a political party.
As proof of donation, the tax office will accept a cash deposit receipt or a booking confirmation from the bank (bank statement, direct debit receipt or PC printout for online banking) as sufficient, provided that the name and account number of the sender and recipient as well as the amount and booking date are clearly visible on it.

Donations in kind
Donations in kind from private individuals and companies are also welcome. Please ask us what is currently needed, for example painting and drawing materials for creative therapy.

A project sponsorship can be terminated with three months’ notice at the end of a calendar year.
The project sponsorship is a donation and is tax deductible.
You will receive from us once
a donation receipt per year.
As a project sponsor, you will be regularly informed about the progress of our aid projects.
© 2023 by Initiative Siglinde eV