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Initiative Siglinde e. V.

And you're really coming?

Truck transports goods, sunset
laughing woman
Clothes hanger at a humanitarian aid center
Beggar, dirty hand that begs


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Woman in red and black headscarf holding grain


The purpose of the association is to help people in need. We achieve this through:

Relief measures in emergency areas (domestic and abroad)

Help and therapeutic measures to alleviate trauma and other influences that cause suffering to people.

Training courses that enable those affected to reintegrate into social life.

In addition, training courses for other national and international aid organisations so that they can increasingly implement their aid projects independently and sustainably.


We achieve this through:

Relief measures in

Emergency areas (domestic and foreign).


 Help and therapeutic measures for

Relief from trauma and other

Influences that cause suffering to people .

Black and brown mountain beautiful landscape

The Siglinde eV initiative works together with many other aid organizations to create synergy effects in humanitarian project work.

For this we use the workbook "Systemic Project Work" by René van Steen. Based on his more than 30 years of experience in national and international projects, the author shows all the relevant steps from the vision to the strategy, implementation and controlling to evaluation and conclusion. The example that runs through the book comes from humanitarian work.


Book Project Management
red backpack
Hands together, symbol of teamwork, cooperation and unity
cozy work corner with laptop calendar and coffee cup


Education that goes beyond borders.

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